Austinite, world traveler, competitive boxer (and coach!), Betsy Martinez, let us inside her ring to ask a few questions about her life, daily routine, and why she loves Batiste. Cue up "Eye of the Tiger" and read on...

How does Batiste help you do more of what you love?
When I have to train in the morning and run in the afternoon, I really dislike having to wash my hair more than once a day. That’s already bad enough. But Batiste, helps my hair smell great and not look like I just got out of the gym after my morning training session.
Take us through an average day in your life...
I typically wake up around 4:45am, make breakfast and head to the gym for my 6 am boxing class where I coach. After coaching, I start my boxing training session at 7am with my teammates. We train for about an hour and a half. After that, I will take a body shower, blow dry the sweat out of my hair and apply Batiste Dry Shampoo to get ready for my day and I’m out the door by 9am. On an average day, I will either attend a few meetings, catch up on my emails and paperwork and then go out for a run around 5pm. My day ends after my 2-3 mile run, where I head home and make a healthy, filling dinner and prep for the next morning.

How does boxing influence or guide your approach to how you live your life?
Boxing has actually changed my life completely. I am way more disciplined with my sleeping, eating and drinking habits. Anything I intake, I try to make sure that it won’t affect my training. If I wasn’t fighting for competition, I wouldn’t worry so much about any of this. But as an amateur boxer, we always have to be ready to fight at any given moment. And when we train, we have to give 110%, I have to make sure what I intake on a daily basis is always the best thing that will help to train.

What was life like before you found dry shampoo?
Two showers a day with dry dry hair! So bad.

For fun – if you could invent a Batiste scent, what would it be?
I love the smell of tea-tree oil. I don’t know if it would be good for hair but I wouldn’t mind using that!
To read more from Betsy, visit her @hellotuesday or on her blog.
A glance inside this knockout’s gym bag, and you’ll always find a bottle of Batiste Tropical. Also available in a mini size for easy travel.