Meet Austin Texas’s queen bee blogger (and mama to be!) — most commonly known to her loyal following as @thehonestshurth, and she lives up to her IG handle. She’s open, down-to-earth, and has built her social brand from the ground up. We caught up with her to chat about life, beauty routines, and how Batiste fits in.
How does Batiste fit into your hair care routine?
I use Batiste most often on the second day after I have had my hair done or do my hair. That way I still keep the volume going while also making sure there’s no sign of grease!
Take us through an average day in your life.
The typical day for me is pretty mixed. I work as a blogger 75% of the time, which includes meetings, photo shoots, and social media. But for the other 25%, I’m an event planner. I have a pretty eclectic week and need to be ready for a call or a meeting at any point.

How does Batiste help you do more of what you love?
It helps me save time! I can take the time to do my hair on Monday and still pull it off on a Tuesday and maybe even a Wednesday with some good dry shampoo. That helps me be more efficient, less stressed, and feel great!
From content creating to event planning to spending time with your family. How do you keep everything balanced?
I keep balanced by having a weekly date night with my husband, spending early mornings with just the two of us and our coffee, talking about our upcoming day, and going on walks every evening together with our dogs to decompress.

What’s the craziest place you’ve used Batiste Dry Shampoo?
My car!
Congrats on your pregnancy! What are some surprising changes you’ve noticed since becoming pregnant?
I’ve noticed that my hair is getting greasier a lot quicker and it’s growing faster, but I don’t have the energy to be washing it more so I’ve just been using more dry shampoo.
What’s the longest you’ve gone between washes?
The longest I’ve gone between washes is five days. Yikes!

Besides using Batiste, do you have any other quick beauty hacks you use throughout your day?
I like to warm up my eyelash curler with my blow dryer before I use it so that my lashes have extra curl throughout the day. I always test it on my skin first to make sure it’s not too hot. Sometimes I don’t even end up using mascara because that curl is all I need!
For fun – if you could invent a Batiste scent, what would it be?
A sandalwood scent because then I wouldn’t even need to use perfume! The dry shampoo would be enough for me!
To read more from Sharuthi, visit her blog.
From her tote bag to yours, Batiste Blush is the scent you’ll find with her at all times. Also available in a Mini size for easy travel.